From Georgia to Maine, we have taught, danced, explored, and played with so many wonderful people. We put this site together because frequently we are asked if we can do more to share our experiences and advocacy for joy. This extends beyond dance and music into relationships, building community, and living well. In the Movement, Rhythm and Groove sections you can read more about our philosophies, intentions, and musings.
Edward Howe is a renowned fiddler, sound engineer, and solar energy guru. Playing fiddle since he was 4, he has created an innovative style bringing groove and dance rhythms to traditional music. Over the past 35 years, he has played in many bands as well as toured around the United States playing contra dance music and bluegrass. As a sound engineer, he enjoys facilitating transparent sound at live events. In addition to the music and dance world, he has an extensive background in electronics and mechanics. He also enjoys working in the solar energy business, enabling energy freedom for people. When he's not working, he's in the kitchen cooking amazing meals for anyone who's hungry and brewing up some of his favorite espresso. More info here.
Tami Howe is a life coach by day, and an artist all the time. She has been coaching people into better lives for about 20 years, advocating for joy and less turmoil in people's lives. In her coaching work, she specializes in self-leadership, career exploration, 'Designing Your Life', having difficult conversations, and individual development planning. She has degrees and certifications in coaching, mentoring, holistic health practices, and exercise science. In addition to painting and other creative pursuits, she is a dancer and teaches classes in waltz and contra dance. Along with Ed, they created a waltz style called 'Freedom Waltzing' to help people forget about rules and focus on momentum and connection in the dance.